Traffic News
Most parents have experienced the traffic congestion on Oakview Drive during student drop-off and pick-up periods. Through-traffic for parents and residents in the area is severely hampered because of the inability to pass cars waiting (queuing) to enter the school pick-up/drop-off areas. It has been observed that instead of waiting for the queuing cars to slowly move forward, drivers elect to drive dangerously in traffic lanes going in the opposite direction.
We have worked closely with the Police Services and Public Works staff of the City of Aliso Viejo to improve traffic conditions around the school. The City has posted 'No Parking' signs restricting parking in curb areas on Oakview between the school and Gatewood Street. Restricting parking in this area allows queuing vehicles to move slowly forward to the right immediately adjacent to the curb all the way to the pick-up areas. Without having to maneuver around 'parked' vehicles queuing vehicles permit through traffic to pass safely on the left. Parents can wait in this curb area, but they must stay in their cars and move forward when the opportunity is available. The intent of the plan is to continually have through traffic on Oakview Drive at all times without being impacted by school traffic. Parents electing to park and walk to pick-up their child may do so by parking on Oakview opposite of the school beyond Crimson Canyon. Parents should cross Oakview at the cross walk.
As always, we need to be courteous to ALL our neighbors surrounding our school. Please do not make U-turns in any neighborhood entrance nor park and block driveways. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Regi Vettraino